Oracle 10G Patch Upgrade Steps

Oracle 10G Patch Upgrade Steps Rating: 4,1/5 4885votes

Step By Step Manual Database Upgrade to 1. Compatibility Matrix. Toyota Epc Full here. Database Upgrade are common but risky task for a DBA if not done properly. Mos Def Talib Kweli Black Star Zip. Here, I am listing detailed method of upgrade with verification and validation. Minimum Version of the Oracle database software that can be directly upgraded to Oracle 1. Release 2, So before upgrade remote DBA needs to check this. Source Database                Target Database. Overview. Oracle Clusterware 10g, formerly known as Cluster Ready Services CRS is software that when installed on servers running the same operating system. It is sometimes a bit of a hassle, to have the latest patch name or number on hand, when you need them. Ok, you may search on My Oracle Support and save it as custom. Solution for ORA12547 issue on Oracle database TNS lost contact when try to connect to Oracle. The following database software version will require an indirect upgrade path. In this case DBA needs to do double effort, because two upgrades are needed. Source Database Upgrade Path for Target Database Target Database. Here I am upgrading my Oracle 1. Oracle 1. 1. 2. 0. Copy Pre upgrade Information gathering Script    Log in to the system as the owner of the Oracle Database 1. WJCXaEk/VeQmUfRTVyI/AAAAAAAAAYE/1bCQYRoz7II/s1600/1.png' alt='Oracle 10g Patch Upgrade Steps For Rhel' title='Oracle 10g Patch Upgrade Steps For Rhel' />Release 2 1. Oracle home directory. Copy the Pre Upgrade Information Tool utlu. Oracle Database 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2 ORACLEHOMErdbmsadmin directory to a directory outside of the Oracle home, such as the temporary directory on your system. ORACLEHOMErdbmsadminutlu. Execute Pre Upgrade Script Should be change to the directory where utlu. Start SQLPlus and connect to the database instance as a user with SYSDBA privileges. W3mbxTUgeMDTV5pFU8FMst-TfWvaixFq8wh7uznhqsOxsryB7scetRO4p-R78szkVcb11BWZDOlyQDqCpYfauN1eA9Z2Jrjxz0rPz7846U3mR35Ifg2JkxjZ6JF1hS9aSzwOPR' alt='Oracle 10g Patch Upgrade Steps From Obiee' title='Oracle 10g Patch Upgrade Steps From Obiee' />Note If you have Oracle Management Service 12 c Release 1 12. Bundle Patch 1, then first upgrade it to either 12 c Release 2 12. Tuning and Optimizing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Oracle 9i and 10g Databases. This is a Liquibase tutorial that shows you how to manage your database objects using the Oracle database and some Oracle tools. It also shows how branching and. Then run and spool the utlu. Please note that the database should be started using the Source Oracle Home. SQL spool upgradeinfo. SQL utlu. 11. SQL spool off. SQL Check the spool file and examine the output of the upgrade information tool. Check for the integrity of the source database Check for the integrity of the source database prior to starting the upgrade by downloading and running dbupgdiag. My Oracle Support article. Note 5. 56. 61. 0. Logical Standby Database Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g. Logical standby database, first released with Oracle Database in Release 9. Script to Collect DB UpgradeMigrate Diagnostic Information dbupgdiag. Avoid this step if dont have support accessIf the dbupgdiag. ORACLEHOMErdbmsadminutlrp. ORACLEHOMErdbmsadmin sqlplus  as sysdbaSQL utlrp. After validating the invalid objects, re run dbupgdiag. Check that National Characterset Check that National Characterset NLSNCHARCHARACTERSET is UTF8 and AL1. UTF1. 6. select value from NLSDATABASEPARAMETERS where parameter NLSNCHARCHARACTERSET If this is UTF8 or AL1. UTF1. 6 then no action is needed. If is not UTF8 or AL1. UTF1. 6 then refer the following article When upgrading to Oracle Database 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2, optimizer statistics are collected for dictionary tables that lack statistics. This statistics collection can be time consuming for databases with a large number of dictionary tables, but statistics gathering only occurs for those tables that lack statistics or are significantly changed during the upgrade sqlplus as sysdbaSQL EXEC DBMSSTATS. GATHERDICTIONARYSTATS 6. Certification Information. The latest certification information for Oracle Database 10 g Release 2 10. My Oracle Support formerly Oracle. What is wait event An event can be anything that Oracle has to perform on behalf of a set of instructions sent by the user interface. The term wait is used. General Oracle Application Server Certification Information. Table 1 through Table 5 contain the overall certification information for Oracle. Ensure that no files need media recovery Sql SELECT FROM vrecoverfile 7. Stop the listener for the database Make pfile from spfile  lsnrctl stop. Suhtdown the Database Shutdown the database. SQL shutdown immediate 9. Back Up the Database 1 Perform Cold Backupor2 Take a backup using RMANConnect to RMAN rman target  nocatalog. ALLOCATE CHANNEL channame TYPE DISK. BACKUP DATABASE FORMAT U TAG beforeupgrade BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE TO  1. Backup and change pfile Make a backup of the init. Comment out obsolete parametersThe DIAGNOSTICDEST initialization parameter replaces the USERDUMPDEST, BACKGROUNDDUMPDEST. Note Once the Parameter file is modified as per your requirement, copy the file to ORACLEHOMEdbs 1. Oracle Home 1. 1. Set Environment Variables If your operating system is UNIX then complete this step, else skip to next Step. Make sure the following environment variables point to the Oracle database software 1. Release directories ORACLEBASE ORACLEHOME PATH  export ORACLEHOME. PATHORACLEHOMEbin PATH. ORACLEBASENote If ORACLEBASE is not known, after setting Path towards 1. Oracle Home, execute orabase, which will point the location of base. Update the oratab entry, to set the new ORACLEHOME pointing towards ORCL and disable automatic startup. Sample etcoratab orcl optoracleproduct1. Norcl optoracleproduct1. NNote After etcoratab is updated to have sid and Oracle Home 1. The input has to be the sid which is entered in etcoratab against 1. Instance,oraclelocalhost  . ORACLESID  orcl  orcl. The Oracle base for ORACLEHOMEoptoracleproduct1. Upgrade Database At the operating system prompt, change to the ORACLEHOMErdbmsadmin directory of 1. R2 Oracle Home.  cd ORACLEHOMErdbmsadmin sqlplus  as sysdbaSQL startup UPGRADESet the system to spool results to a log file for later verification after the upgrade is completed and start the upgrade script. SQL set echo on. SQL SPOOL upgrade. SQL catupgrd. SQL spool off. These measures are an important final step to ensure the integrity and consistency of the newly upgraded Oracle Database software. Also, if you encountered a message listing obsolete initialization parameters when you started the database for upgrade, then remove the obsolete initialization parameters from the parameter file before restarting. If necessary, convert the SPFILE to a PFILE so you can edit the file to delete parameters. Post Upgrade Steps. Start the database and run the Post Upgrade Status Tool ORACLEHOMErdbmsadminutlu. It displays the status of the database components in the upgraded database and the time required to complete each component upgrade. Any errors that occur during the upgrade are listed with each component and must be addressed sqlplus as sysdbaSQL STARTUPSQL utlu. Recompile Invalid Objects This script can be run concurrently with utlrp. Run utlrp. sql to recompile any remaining stored PLSQL and Java code in another session. SQL utlrp. sql. Check for the integrity of the source database Check for the integrity of the upgraded database by running dbupgdiag. Metalink article. Principle Of Physical Chemistry Ebook. Note 5. 56. 61. 0. Script to Collect DB UpgradeMigrate Diagnostic Information dbupgdiag. If the dbupgdiag. ORACLEHOMErdbmsadminutlrp. After validating the invalid objects, re run dbupgdiag. Configure and Start Listener. Modify the listener. For the upgraded instances modify the ORACLEHOME parameter to point to the new ORACLEHOME. Start the listener lsnrctl start. Crosscheck Environment Variables Set Environment Variables. Make sure the following environment variables point to the Oracle 1. Release directories ORACLEBASE ORACLEHOME PATHAlso check that your oratab file and any client scripts that set the value of ORACLEHOME point to the Oracle database software. Release 2 1. 1. 2 home. Note If you are upgrading a cluster database, then perform these checks on all nodes in which this cluster database has instances configured. Modify etcoratab entry to use automatic startup. SID ORACLEHOME YFor Instance,orcl optoracleproduct1. Y1. 8. Spfile from Pfile Edit init. If you changed the CLUSTERDATABASE parameter prior the upgrade set it back to TRUE Migrate your initialization parameter file to a server parameter file. Create a server parameter file with a initialization parameter file. SQL create spfile from pfile This will create a spfile as a copy of the init. ORACLEHOMEdbs UNIX ORACLEHOMEdatabase Windows. Start the Database with spfile Shutdown the database Sql shutdown immediate. Now start the database it will user spfile.